The True History and the Religion of India—A Concise
Encyclopedia of Authentic Hinduism, Graciously authored by His Divinity
Swami Prakashanand Saraswati is one of the most comprehensive books on human
civilization. It is an authoritative view of the history of world thought.
The book provides the most valuable information and knowledge on the Vedas, the
Upnishads, the Gita, the Bhagwatam, the Puranas and all of the Hindu religion
and thought. It also gives a comprehensive idea of time as envisaged in the
Vedas. It can lead to a good understanding of Hindu history, philosophy,
religion and Vedic sciences.
With the world facing tremendous problems of violence,
conflict, environmental degradation and extreme discontent, frustration and
hopelessness without any real solutions to the problems of mankind, the book
does provide the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel and an insight
into our civilization and heritage which can become the ultimate and the only
answer to today’s crises.
Shree Veera Raghavan, (Ex) Regional Advisor, Social Development,
United Nations; Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi.
For the first time in 400 years such an encyclopedic
literature has been produced that destroys the cloud of confusion about Hinduism
and establishes the Divine glory of Bhartiya history and religion in the world.
The True History and the Religion of India is truly a concise encyclopedia of
Hinduism which contains an unimaginably enormous amount of authentic information
with scientific evidences that brings the total Hinduism in one single volume.
It is undoubtedly a Divine gift that has been given by Shree Swamiji for the
benefit of the whole world.
Dr. David Campos, Professor, Roosevelt University,
In recognition of the most incredible and unique revelation
of the authentic knowledge of our Divine scriptures in The True History and the Religion of India, that has happened for the first time in hundreds of years,
the supreme council of the World Religious Parliament, New Delhi, India,
celebrated the joyous occasion in Ficci Auditorium on 11/4/99, and awarded the
Spiritual title of “Dharm Chakrvarti” (Spiritual Master of the Universe) to His
Divinity Swami Prakashanand Saraswati.
The True History and the Religion of India, by His Divinity
Swami Prakashanand Saraswati is written in a very comprehensive manner and
imparts the true knowledge of God and depicts the true history of Hinduism. It
is a religious exposition of Hindutva. It rewrites the authentic history of
Hinduism from the days of our ancient Sages and Saints throughout the present
age. The book reveals the true knowledge of our Vedas, Upnishads, Puranas,
Gita and the Bhagwatam.
I congratulate the International Society of Divine Love and
Shree Swamiji, for bringing out this wonderful Encyclopedia on Hinduism and wish
that this book should reach every corner of the world.
Shree Vishnu Hari Dalmia, President, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, New

The Divine truth revealed in The True History and the Religion of India, is so amazing that it would prove to be the infallible arrow
of this age to destroy the non-truthful and misleading comments about
Hinduism... Without studying this book it is impossible to imagine, that how the
unlimited knowledges of Bhartiya scriptures and world books were incorporated
into one single volume? It is amazing; and is truly an incredible miracle of
the genius world. (Translated from Hindi)
Shree Tarun Vijay,
Editor, Panchjanya, New Delhi.

This amazing encyclopedic book, revealing the authentic
history and the religion of Bharatvarsh, is truly unique and unparalleled.
(Translated from Hindi)
Shree Bhanu Pratap Shukl, author and journalist,
New Delhi.
I was amazed to come in contact with the strength of study
made by Swamiji. I consider this book as a source of India’s strength for
generations to come.
The description of the Upnishads overwhelms us with Swamiji’s
deep insight into the scriptures. His description of Vedas, Upvedas,
Vedangas, Darshan Shastras, will uplift the spirit of any Indian who is striving
for the independence from foreign domination that strangled India’s character.
Swamiji’s time calculations should be viewed in the light of the ancient Indian
concept of a world that extends much beyond the one that is perceived by our
We are very thankful to Swamiji for invigorating our country
to face the degenerations that were heaped upon us through the foreign rule.
Shree Himendra Thakur, Editor “India United,” Salem, Massachusetts.

Just like Lord Vishnu, in His matsyavatar rescued and
re-revealed the Vedas from the patal, likewise His Divinity Swami
Prakashanand Saraswati, who is a great Devotee of Shree Raseshwari Radha Rani
and well versed in Bhartiya scriptures, has revealed and produced the real
history of India. Dear friend! If you want to know the real truth of all the
Bhartiya scriptures at one place, read this adorable encyclopedic book that
presents the immaculate reality of Sanatan Dharm. As the morning sun removes
the darkness of the night, like this Swamiji has removed the darkness of the
misconceptions by producing the authentic history of India. This is my deep
desire that, this book, like a glowing lamp, may remove the darkness of
ignorance from every mind. (from the Sanskrit text)
Dr. Om Prakash Pandey, Visiting professor of
(from Lucknow University), Sorbonne Nouvelle University of Paris.
This epoch-making book, The True History and the Religion of India,
is designed for sincere research scholars and the seekers of God’s love. In its eight well-structured chapters, Swamiji has presented the
sanctity of our religious and philosophical literature. Pujyapad Swamiji has
provided a very authentic and panoramic view of the theme of all of our
scriptures. One who intends to know all about Sanatan Dharm in a nutshell is
advised to study chapter 4 (Part II) with rapt attention. His presentation of
the western theories is amazingly logical and abundantly admirable. He has
allowed the western theories to speak for themselves.
Shree Vachaspati Upadhyaya, Vice Chancellor,
Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri
Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi.
In our opinion this is the first book that has put
together vast information about the history of India, Sanskrit language, Vedas
and Upnishads, the planetary system and the development of human civilization.
The author clearly shows the mastery and understanding of the ancient Hindu
scriptures and explains how a number of Saints and Sages brought them to light
and how they established various disciplines of the Hindu religion. This book is
an exquisite treatise that brings together diverse historical, religious and
spiritual aspects of India in the form of a single book and compares it with
other religions of the world.
Dr. Vijay Kuchroo, Professor, Harvard University, Cambridge.
The facts brought to light in this book about creation and
languages will lead to new research in the fields of anthropology and astronomy
and will lead (both Indians and non-Indians) to search for new directions for
research in the fields of physical sciences based on the Hindu scriptural
statements. Such a pioneering work was long awaited.
Dr. Deendayal Khandelwal, Chairman, Hindu University of America,
I think highly of this book and will like it to be more
widely read. Neither the Orientalists of the past had, nor hundreds of
present writers who populate Departments of Asian Studies have the means or the
incentive to search for the truth. All Hindu and ancient Indian literature
is in Sanskrit. How many modern day Orientalists have a spiritual bent of mind
and how many of them can read Sanskrit even at a superficial level?
Swami Prakashanand Saraswati is best qualified to write this
history not only because he has researched the material deeply, but also because
he is fully immersed in both, Sanskrit and spirituality. Shree Swamiji has
rendered a great service to all intellectual and academic communities by
providing original and authentic truths about India’s ancient past and its Hindu
religion. It is an encyclopedic book, full of Sanskrit quotes, that gives a
true story of India from its very ancient beginning.
It is a large book full of detailed facts over such a long
history that it is impossible to do justice to its content in a review. It
is a highly educative book. Because of its truthful perspective, it
is destined to have great influence, even in the Departments of Asian Studies.
It deserves to, and will be widely read.
Dr. Romesh Diwan, Professor, Rensselaer Institute, Troy, NY;
Consultant to the United Nations (UNCTAD), New York.
The primary message to mankind in this book is, that the
religion of Bharatvarsh (India) is the direct descension of the Grace of God
which is manifested in the form of our Divine scriptures.
Each and every chapter in the book is written in such a
simple and palatable style with appropriate modern-day examples that anyone with
little knowledge of Sanskrit and English can understand what Hinduism is in the
true sense. I am personally blessed by Swamiji to be able to have a copy of
this masterpiece of literature on Hinduism. I have educated myself very much
from reading this book. Swamiji has knowledge like an ocean, and mine is even a
trillion times smaller that a drop of water. Because of this, I enjoy reading
this book which is full of riches on Hinduism. I am confident that others will
feel the same way, provided they go through this Encyclopedia of Authentic
Hinduism with an open mind and with the idea of learning and educating
themselves about this religion that we call Hinduism.
It is therefore highly recommended for every temple library,
religious institute, college and university library and every household that
wishes to educate, preserve and lead a blissful life following Hinduism.
Dr. Sen Pathak, Professor, University of Texas, Houston.
There is a large section of chapter 4 of Part I devoted to
the evolution theory, Einstein, quantum mechanics, Big Bang, etc. In my opinion,
by covering all these subjects in a single volume, Swamiji has made a unique
contribution to the literature on religion and science from a new perspective.
I strongly recommend that research scholars should
make an in-depth study of what new things Swamiji has said.
Dr. Satya P. Agarwal, Visiting Professor, University of California,
UN, chief advisor on Human Resources.
This book is a monumental work that offers a comprehensive
view of various aspects of Hinduism including its rich history, philosophy,
sacred writings, and, in particular, its unique approach to God realization -
bhakti or the divine love of personal form of God. The book is an
excellent source for those who would like to have a broad overview of the
religion of India.
The book offers an excellent discussion of numerous aspects
of Hinduism. This is undoubtedly the most comprehensive book on Hinduism.
In addition to discussing the religion of India, the book makes a key
contribution in identifying the confusing and misleading views of a number of
historians, philosophers, and writers of the past several centuries.
Dr. Viktor Prasanna, Professor, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles.
His Divinity Swami Prakashanand Saraswati offers a compelling
argument in his scholarly work “The True History and the Religion of India” that
how, in fact, the history of India has been distorted. Shree Swamiji’s
research-based observations in this regard are eye opening. Swamiji has also
examined other civilizations extensively in this context.
This Concise Encyclopedia of Authentic Hinduism is a blessing
from Shree Swamiji for all those open-minded intellectuals who are willing to
pursue the truth.
Shree Piyush Agarwal, Ed.D., (Retd.) Superintendent of Schools, New
Pujya Shri Swami Prakashanand Saraswati has written a
monumental book whose impact will be felt around the world for centuries to
This book is a rich source of authentic information about
India drawn from many sources and thus forms a scientific (to use a modern term)
basis for reconstructing Indian history. The references are numerous, and the
quotes from Indian scriptures make this a reference book of immense value.
Every Indian and every person interested in Indian history and literature should
read this book. A billion thanks (on behalf of so many Indians) to Pujya Shri
Swamiji who has dedicated his time to bring out this monumental work of
importance to us all.
Dr. T.M. Srinivasan, Professor, Arizona State University, Phoenix,
In this unique treatise of 800 pages, Shree Swami
Prakashanand Saraswati has produced such a scholarly work that puts to shame
many indologists of international fame.
To sum up, by writing this monumental book, Swami
Prakashanand Saraswati has produced a brahmand of knowledge that not
only eliminates the distortions that were created by the Western and Westernized
scholars, but brings together the main elements of 4 Vedas, 4 Upvedas, 6
Vedangas, 4 Sutras, 6 Darshan Shastras, 11 Prime Upnishads, 18 Puranas, Ramayan,
Mahabharat, Gita and Bhagwatam. This gigantic task has been performed with
highest standards of logical investigation, displaying a high degree of
scholarly competence in Indian and Western history, religion, philosophy and
scientific theories.
Dr. L.P. Singh, Professor Emeritus, Concordia University, Montreal,
This is an encyclopedic book which traces the history of
various civilizations and countries in relation to the history of India. The
religion of the Indian civilization, the Sanatan Dharm (the eternal order) is
discussed in extenso. The book is a mine of information.
Dr. E.C.S. Sudarshan, Professor, University of Texas, Austin.
The True History and the Religion of India is not just the
title of the book, but it truly is an authentic book on the history of India and
the religion
of India. Swami Prakashanandji Maharaj has truly and thoroughly lived to the
title of the book. To do that, Shree Swamiji has worked as a researcher, a
historian, a scientist, a religious person, a spiritual master and a true
patriot of India. It is tremendously creditable for a sanyasi to
research in so many varied fields.
It is rare to find and read religion and history together,
that too in a very scientific way, and proven by research and experimentation.
Swamiji has done extensive and tremendous work in doing so. Swamiji has gone
far beyond the Vedic knowledge and spirituality in writing about the modern
science, and history of the world and universe. He has quoted scientists and
philosophers of the world in this book. The True History and the Religion of India
is not just for Indians, it is for the people of the world.
Shree Hari Bindal, PE, (Ex)National Director,
International Hindi
Association, Washington, D.C.
There was an imperative need for an authentic compendium on
Hinduism and this publication truly presents
the truth from all of our Divine Scriptures: the Vedas, Upnishads, Gita and
Shrimad Bhagwatam etc.
Swami Prakashanand Saraswatiji deserves to be congratulated
for compiling such a gigantic work in this concise encyclopedia for use of
research scholars and all those interested seekers of God’s love. This
wonderful publication will benefit one and all.
Your efforts are indeed commendable, Swamiji. Congratulations
once again. May Lord Almighty shower His choicest of blessings on you to enable
you to serve humanity by spreading the message of the devotional aspects of God
realization and love of Radha Krishn (divine-love-consciousness) for many more
Pt. Surendre Tewarie, President, Netherlands
Sanatan Dharm Vidwat
Parishad, Holland.
I am much pleased to receive a copy of The True History and the Religion of India. This work
encyclopedic in nature will be of great
use for historians, research scholars and those who desire to know about the
true history, religion and culture of Bharatvarsh.
Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shree Jayendra Saraswati Swamigal,
Kamkoti Peetham, Tamilnadu, India.
Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Dwarika Sharda Peeth
and Jyothishpeeth, Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati has expressed his hearty
appreciation for the monumental work by His Divinity Swami Prakashanand
Saraswati The True History and the Religion of India which is an authentic
book on Hinduism.
This book reveals the glory of Divine love of Supreme God,
Shree Krishn, and Shree Radha Rani. It describes the simplest universal path of
God realization which was revealed by the Supreme God, Krishn Himself.
It gives a complete information about Hindu religion,
scriptures, history and their divinity in a concise style. Seekers of God’s love
will certainly benefit from this great publication. Congratulations to Shree
Swamiji for such a stupendous work to publish this great book for which we are
all grateful.
Jagadguru Ramanujacharya, Sudarshanacharya Maharaj,
Faridabad, India.
The True History and the Religion of India provides all the
information at one place for the seekers of God’s love. A lot of study,
research and unstinted efforts have gone into compilation of this concise
Encyclopedia, which is the imperative need of the day. While living in
this materialistic world, we are helplessly seeing the fast decline in moral,
social, ethical, family and religious values; this book will help in arresting
this declining trend.
Shree Nanak Chand Sharma, President, World Academy of Ayurveda, New
There are so many religious institutions and scholars in
India but none of them have so far highlighted the actual truth in its
originality. Shree Swamiji has made a great contribution through this book,
for which we are all grateful.
Shree Shiv Kumar Sharma, Advocate, Supreme Court, New Delhi.
Shree Swamiji has done extensive research in original
documents in writing this unique book. His religious and spiritual knowledge
and experience has given him the unflinching conviction about the wealth of
knowledge stored in Hindu scriptures.
Swamiji has done a great service to global Indian community
by writing this concise book. Its reading will boost the spirit of those who
love their country, religion and culture, and enlighten those who are searching
for the truth. The time has come that the scientific knowledges of the
Upnishads in relation to the Creation should be considered as a guideline for
further researches in cosmology. I strongly recommend everyone
interested in ‘India’ to read this excellent book.
Dr. Mahesh J. Mehta, Vice president, Research and Development,
Systems, Boston, Massachusetts.
(Comments of top scientists of the world)
This book represents a monumental amount of work requiring
serious study to fully comprehend and appreciate the sacred message and its
implications. His Divinity Swami Prakashanand Saraswati has done a superb job
in bringing all the salient aspects of Hinduism in one book. In such an
endeavor, it is almost impossible to be comprehensive, concise and precise at
the same time... Shree Swamiji indeed deserves gratitude from all humanity
for showing to the world the wisdom of the Hindu scriptures. His Divinity has
elaborated in details the precise chronology of the epoch event (the origination
of this brahmand); and I am awed at the comprehensiveness of his research
and understanding. Indeed Krishn Dwaipayan should be smiling that his holy
message is being promulgated.
Dr. Krishna M. Koliwad, Physicist, Manager,
Avionics System &
Technology Division, JPL (NASA), Los Angeles.
The True History and the Religion of India is a
comprehensive exposition of the basis of Hinduism. This book has made an
admirable start in incorporating the ideas from Hindu scriptures to expand on
the recent scientific findings. They are very thought provoking. However,
because of the seriousness of the subject matter and the depth of each topic
covered, this book should be read as a text.
Dr. Gautam Badhwar, Chief Scientist for Space Radiation,
Scientific Achievement’ Medalist,
Johnson Space Center, NASA, Houston.
In my experience of about 30 years at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology I had not yet read such
a clear, smooth and brief description on the theories of evolution, origin of
the universe, and the general theory of relativity. It is amazing to realize
that Swamiji has such a depth of knowledge of the subjects in which people spend
their entire career. His conclusions about the inadequacies of these theories
are based on logical arguments that are very convincing. This book is a must
for reading by those who are wanting to be enlightened about life, its role, and
how it should be lived.
Dr. Santosh Kumar Srivastava, Fellow of the American Physical Society,
Principal Scientist, JPL California Institute of Technology (NASA), Los Angeles.
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